I apologize in advance for any typos since I'm typing this on my Blackberry at the airport and also the random nature of this. I haven't had time to write anything personal lately so I have a lot to say.
I haven't really made it a secret this year that I'm not all about the holiday season. This year, perhaps more so than ever, I'm tired of hearing the ringing of silver bells, seeing endless Christmas sells and just of the colors of red and green. Whatever the case, call me the Grinch.
Usually, the holidays are like this for me but eventually, something puts me in the Christmas spirit. There have been moments, especially when I saw a full grown man dressed as Santa riding a Harley and wishing everyone a Merry Christmas along with a "Ho, Ho, Ho" that brought me a moment of cheer, but then I went back down into the darkness.
Who knows? Maybe its just due to stress, due to lack of sleep, due to lack of family, due to money I don't have.
Or maybe its just me.
As I arrived at the airport earlier today, I thought, "Ok Wyndi, let's get cheery. Enjoy people watching, some McDonald's, free time and no work and get cheery." After all, I can't let my family down. They expect me to be happy, overjoyed to spend Christmas with them. I'm not. Its not that I don't want to, its just I'm tired, need some peace, no expectations and no responsibilities. I need a break from my life. But that doesn't exist.
So I will pick up the pieces, or the carry-ons, and move to get on the airplane.
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