Friday, October 22, 2010

The disheartening truth

I realized this week that as an adult some things don't change. You grow up and you expect everything to be different. Given, you have bills as an adult, less freedom and more responsibility. You don't have the dread of walking into middle school with a horrifying bow atop your head or uncool sneakers. Some things are better, some are worse. All this to say there were some very familiar parallels in my life this week.

Growing up, I was always one of the kids who attended church camp. Not only did I attend but I looked forward to it all year long. Once we arrived (generally in Kansas) I was ready. Ready to get my life right once again. Ready to worship, be all sold out for God. Ready to be surrounded by those who loved Christ as much as me. As the week went on, I would promise myself things would be different. I would read my Bible everyday, maybe even twice a day. I wouldn't miss church. I would be more active in the youth group. I would .... keep these promises I had made myself for about a week before the world would creep back in.

This week I attended a TCU journalism conference brought about by the Schaffer School for Community Journalists. While I had been to several (News Writing, Page Design and New Media) this one, which was about investigative journalism hit home. I learned lots and it reminded me what those at large newspapers (think New York Times and the Washington Post) have at their disposal. More than that I got excited about my craft and writing once again. I was going to tell the truth no matter what. City Government be damned. I was on all out crusade for truth. For about two days. Before I fell back to earth with a sickening thud.

All this to say, I don't think I'll be going to anymore journalism conferences. I need to stick to the real world. A world that doesn't include Leonard and Bernstein. I think I'll be happier that way.